At St Margaret’s our people give generously of their time, gifts and resources.
St Margaret’s are involved with our local schools (Nerang State and High School) through the school chaplaincy program. We provide breakfast and lunch items for students who have not have breakfast before school and have brought no food for the day. We also provide a Pancake Breakfast for the students on a Friday before school starts twice a term.
Financial offering is an important and vital aspect of sustainable ministry in our community. We believe that God is generous in our lives and we in turn give back through our offerings.
If you would like to support the St Margaret’s Anglican Church financially on a regular basis, please consider using the ANFIN facility or by Direct Debit. Our details are:
Direct Debit
St Margaret’s Anglican Church
BSB - 704-901
Account number - 00000950
In our Sunday service we pass an offertory plate for those who give by cash. Envelops are also available.
We also support Bush Church Aid for people living in remote and regional Australia.